Our Mission

We aim to empower young girls to explore the field of mathematics in order to bridge the gender gap found in higher-level STEM education.

Nidhi Ram
Nidhi Ram
Nidhi is a senior at Lower Moreland High School. She started Math 4 Girls during her first-year of high school as a club in her local elementary school after experiencing dramatic gender gaps in her own math classes and is excited to see how the organization grows! After high school, Nidhi is interested in attending college to study math and sociology.
Branch Leaders
Tamar Ben-Anat
Tamar Ben-Anat is a junior at Central Bucks High School South. She loves STEM, especially biology. Outside of school she enjoys doing research in lab and going to dance. Tamar joined Math 4 Girls because she wanted to empower young girls and show them how fun math can be!
Mia Liu
Mia is a junior at McDowell high school and is dedicated to many activities such as debate and volunteering for her local library. She joined math4girls due to not only her personal experience as a woman in STEM and love for math, but her passion to help teach future generations!
Alina Sultan
Alina is currently a sophomore at Hackettstownn High School and hopes to go into the STEM field after she graduates; she is so glad to be a part of an organization that will inspire many young girls to pursue a career in STEM. Alina enjoys reading, going to concerts, watching Gilmore Girls, and listening to music. She also loves Dr. Pepper and her cat.
Sefakor Adabla
Sefakor is a sophomore at Saint Vincent Academy. She enjoys reading, music and spending time with her friends. Her favorite subjects are English, math and Bio-med. Sefakor Joined Math4Girls to help bridge the gap between women and men in STEM and to empower young women to join more STEM fields!
Claire Thomas
Claire is a senior at Lancaster Mennonite School. She enjoys running, hiking, and playing French Horn in her school's band. Claire wanted to join Math 4 Girls because young girls have a lot of potential and talent, and she wants to provide encouragement in a field where there is a lack of female representation.
Madison Oh
Madison is a junior at CB South High School in Warrington, PA. She loves crocheting, playing the oboe, drawing, and reading. She joined Math4Girls because she wants to inspire young girls to feel more confident in mathematics. After high school, she hopes to pursue a career in the medical field.
Digital & Social Media Managers
Vivian Yang
Vivian is a Junior at Lower Moreland High School. Her favorite class in school has always been math, which is why she wanted to join Math 4 Girls. She really enjoys hanging out with her dogs and also listening to music!
Gabriella Truong
Gabriella Truong is currently a junior at Lower Moreland High School. She has always had a knack for math and wanted to share her interest with others! Gabriella also enjoys reading and photography in her free time. She is excited to be a part of the Math 4 Girls team!
Karen Zheng
Karen Zheng is a junior at Lower Moreland High School. She is passionate about all the branches of art; drawing, painting, music, literature, etc. Karen joined Math 4 Girls because she strongly believes in introducing more young girls to STEM to bridge the gender gap in mathematics while empowering their adoration and interest in STEM!
Outreach Team
Elliot K.
Elliot attends Lincoln High School where they enjoy participating in their FRC robotics team, high school math club, and Women In STEM chapter. They also enjoy hanging out with friends, reading, and bouldering. They are interested in Math 4 Girls because they care a lot about inspiring girls to participate in stem, and really enjoy math.
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